Ontario farmers with wheat in the ground are having to adjust their management practices to accommodate the late start to spring, especially after the cold, wet fall of 2014. Weather conditions this spring have hampered efforts to apply nitrogen or frost-seed cover crops in winter wheat, explains Peter Johnson, a.k.a. @WheatPete, in this conversation with… Read More
Category: Realcropupdate
Timing really is everything, especially in agriculture and especially when it comes to weather. Sunshine and rainfall amounts might pan out on paper but a late start to planting, 20 plus days of rain in October and extreme heat with no rain in August can really throw things for a loop. Enter a very frozen… Read More
The pre-harvest period is a great time to get a handle on what plagued (or is plaguing) the soybean crop this year, how well some of your management practices turned out and filling out the check list for late fall work and early season planning. In this Ontario soybean crop update, three agronomists — Dan… Read More
This mornings frost warning had some Ontario farmer’s teeth chattering, but it wasn’t the cold that did it. Farmers in the certain counties of Ontario would be understandably nervous depending on how far along their corn crop is. Frost at the wrong time can take a sizeable bite out of your corn yield. Once temperatures… Read More
The summer of 2013 is turning out to be nothing like the last two years, which may prove problematic for several first-time soybean growers in the province. While 2013 soybean acres likely did not hit the massive 1.3 million mark once estimated, there are likely about a million acres of the nitrogen-fixing crop out in… Read More
In this RealAg Crop Update Ontario, Shawn Brenneman, agronomic sales manager for Eastern Canada with Syngenta, takes us on a virtual tour of a large swath of the eastern Canadian growing region to talk about corn and soybean crop development. While early season conditions weren’t ideal for corn and soy, recent heat has corn moving… Read More
Many soybean fields have taken a beating this year, unlike last year’s straightforward early season. A late May frost, then really hot temps have stressed plants, plus crusting in some areas has entombed the poor beans under ground. In this RealAg Crop Update Ontario, Dan Foster with PRIDE Seeds, gives an update on not only… Read More
Big iron, excellent distribution networks and long hours meant that roughly 80% of the southern Ontartio corn and soybean crop went in the ground between May 6th to 20th. As Ken Currah, with PRIDE Seeds notes in this RealAgriculture.com Crop Update Ontario, available horsepower and machinery means that when the ground is fit, it’s off… Read More
While seeding is in full swing in most of Manitoba this week, last week’s crop report (found here) doesn’t fully explain current conditions. The weather report, found here, contains more interesting information — specifically about growing degree day (GDD) accumulation. GDD accumulation is sitting somewhere in the 50th percentile for much of Manitoba. Some areas… Read More
I had the chance to spend a very hot and sunny afternoon with Don and Jeannine Guyot, who farm at Fannystelle, Manitoba. It’s been a rough few years in the area. Last year, Don says he only used maybe a quarter of his total storage. It would seem that 2012 is poised to make up… Read More