Dry conditions back home were the subject of many conversations involving prairie farmers who made the trek to Regina last month for Canada’s Farm Progress Show. RealAg’s roving reporter Kelvin Heppner took to the show grounds with a camera to ask farmers how their crops were looking and their highlights from the massive equipment showcase…. Read More
Category: Talking To Farmers
A big thanks to the extremely friendly Brandon, MB., for the hospitality this week. Our first TechTour LIVE event was a success, with over 150 participants and tonnes of cheese. As part of the day, we decided to film an episode for our infamous Talking to Farmers segment. We bribed rounded up a group of farmers eager… Read More
Who’s had the biggest impact on your farming career? Is global warming real? The anecdotal evidence is pretty clear, given that it was plus temps during FarmTech this year, but we all know what anecdotes are worth. In this episode of Talking to Farmers, shot at Farmtech ’15, the Real Agriculture team (of one, that would… Read More
Time-permitting, we love finding unsuspecting (or surprisingly agreeable) individuals for a segment we refer to as Talking to Farmers. The clips are often filmed at trade shows and conferences, and the interviewees are never given more than a hint at the questions they’ll be asked. This year, at the Agri-Trade Expo in Red Deer, we cajoled four people into… Read More
Last month, we reported on an initiative happening in Saskatchewan where school children are given the opportunity to experience agriculture by planting and interacting with the resources that go into pizza ingredients. Though it’s fun to photograph and document events such as this, it’s hard to tell the story from the perspective of the people involved. That’s… Read More
Well, it seems the RealAgriculture crew always arrives to Canada’s Farm Progress Show armed and ready to talk to farmers. This usually means a sly call for a massive “tweetup” and subsequent trapping of unsuspecting victims, but it seems people caught wind of our plan this year, and for every interview shown above, there are… Read More
According to Statistics Canada, in the last decade, farms operated solely by women in Canada has grown from 3.9% to 5%, and women now account for 26% of all farm operators in Canada. And women continue to excel into leadership positions across the agriculture supply chain, as was evident in the number of passionate women who… Read More
We took the opportunity while at Canadian Western Agribition this year to find a different kind of farmer for our Talking to Farmers feature. It wasn’t hard to round up enough cowfolk to cover some of the basics of showing cattle. And, between being asked to be filmed and starting the interview, many of the cattle fitters… Read More
As the growing season winds down, it’s time to think about the best parts of winter — planning for next season and conferences! (My version of “best” my differ from yours). One of the highlights of the conference season has to be FarmTech, where farmers are challenged to evaluate their current production practices and, perhaps,… Read More
Have you ever walked around a farm show and thought, “If only I had the money.” We put that question, and a few others, to a group of farmers we bribed with t-shirts asked to participate in the latest installment of Talking to Farmers. Watch the video below to hear about how often these farmers… Read More