This post was originally found on his blog, The Farmers Life. He farms in Indiana raising corn, soybeans, popcorn, and wheat. Brian is also passionate about technology. He showcases this passion by writing for Follow @thefarmerslife on Twitter. Today is the day. The Occupy movement is going to occupy the food supply. According to the occupiers… Read More
Category: Food
Adopting a national food strategy is no small task. The development of that strategy involves a number of complex issues that have to be identified by importance and then integrated together into a sustainable strategy supported by government policy and a diverse demographic. Simple, huh? There’s a reason it’s taken so long. With all that… Read More
If you only read news headlines, you’d probably be left with the impression that most of 2011 was a rough spell for Canadian agriculture. But if you dug just a bit deeper, you’d see there’s plenty of room for optimism in our sector. From the 30,000-foot level, the statistics suggest a stagnating industry. Our previously… Read More
There is the assumption that in general, because the world population is increasing, the demand for meat, in particular beef, will naturally grow and expand. That generalization may make sense from a North American perspective, but eating habits here aren’t eating habits everywhere and any growth in the industry has to take place in export… Read More
Jeff Simmons is the President of Elanco and he has truly made it his personal mission to educate the consumer on why technology is so critical to dealing with the 9 billion people problem in 2050. I had a subscriber send me the link to the below video which is a very simple monologue… Read More
When we consider agriculture, we tend to think of the rougher, more industrial type. We think of large scale harvest machinery involved in the corn, cereal, pulse and oilseed production. We also think of dairies, poultry barns and the beautiful ranches adjacent to the rocky mountains. In many areas of the world agriculture takes a different… Read More
The topic of supply management has been raised in the news recently. A number of different media outlets have been examining the issues surrounding it and whether or not we would be better off with or without it. So far, all answers to those questions tend to depend what area you work in and whether… Read More
New Coke is a formulation and a branding error that will live in infamy forever. People hate when you mess with their favourite brands. The tiniest change can make a big impact. It’s a move that can be absolutely devastating if it’s wrong, but it’s also a move that can be extremely profitable if done… Read More
“Healthy alternative” is one of the most popular descriptive phrases circulating in North America today. Consumers are becoming more and more health conscious as the effects of years of poor eating habits are showing themselves all over the health care system. The North American food industry has had to make some big changes over the… Read More
Now that it looks like the Canadian Wheat Board’s single desk is about to be extinguished, it seems that the main stream media has turned its focus to the Canadian Dairy industry. Is the CWB situation the same as the supply mananged dairy industry? Should the Canadian dairy industry be in Gerry Ritz’s cross hairs next? … Read More