The global demand for wheat is expected to double over the next forty years – and Canada can play an important role in meeting that demand. In addition to its growing prominence on the world stage, what makes wheat truly exciting is its significant potential for technology transformation – and Canadian agriculture has the opportunity… Read More

As a livestock producer, how many times have you heard, “We need to produce what the consumer wants.” That is a simple impactful statement but is not as easy as it sounds. What does the consumer really want in its beef products? Do we know? Does the consumer know? Market research is key to finding… Read More

At first glance, Patrick Moore resembles more CEO than ecologist, but give him a topic like the opposition to genetically modified crops, and you get all the emotion you’d expect from someone who helped found Greenpeace. Moores involvement with Greenpeace started in the late 1960’s in opposition to nuclear testing and the arms race and… Read More

By Stewart Skinner,  (@modernfarmer) I found watching the election progress on Twitter exciting on Monday night (you could argue I should get out more) and I got caught up a bit in the overwhelmingly negative reactions to the Conservative majority. I’m guessing that most of the pessimism stemmed from the younger, more liberal community that… Read More

For businesses involved in the food industry, a consistent, quality ingredient is a necessity. This is especially true for those involved in baked goods. For those businesses, wheat is a very important ingredients. For Warburtons Foods, based in the U.K., Canadian wheat is specifically what they need and want. Those needs include certain characteristics specific… Read More

By Jason Stroeve It’s a running joke that while it costs you $55 to $100 dollars a year to get into Costco, it usually costs you at least $200 dollars every time you leave. I like shopping at Costco and apparently so does the rest of the world. If you’re successful at navigating the parking… Read More

If you cannot see the embedded video above click here. There are extreme challenges in the grocery store in trying to decipher all the labelling, marketing and propaganda.  With the current rise in food prices there has been an increased coverage of what food costs in the mainstream media.  Some of the most expensive food… Read More