Update, June 9: The Canadian government has decided to sign on as a third party in the United States’ request for dispute settlement consultations regarding Mexico’s restrictions on biotechnology in agriculture. The U.S. government’s challenge of Mexico’s ban of genetically-modified (GM) corn for common food uses is being closely monitored in Canada, specifically in the… Read More

Misinformation is nothing new. Humans have been stretching the truth since the beginning of time, but the growing amount of misinformation generated today and the speed at which it moves is one of the defining issues of our time, says academic and author Dr. Timothy Caulfield. As a member of the University of Alberta’s Faculty… Read More

Science misinformation about genetically modified crops (GMOs) and foods had a potential global readership of over a quarter of a billion people, according to a new study published by the Alliance for Science, which combats anti-science misinformation on topics such as climate, vaccines, and GMOs. The paper, which is published in the peer-reviewed journal GM… Read More

Mexico’s president has published a decree beginning the phase out of the use of glyphosate and genetically modified corn in the country. Biosafety authorities of the country will “revoke and refrain from granting permits” for genetically modified corn, including imports. The decree from President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador published on December 31, 2020 cites protection… Read More

Think about the food future you would like to curate. That’s the challenge Michiel Bakker, Google’s director of global programs for real estate and workplace services, gave to Canada’s Agriculture Day attendees at Ottawa, Ont., this year. “So think about 2050 — what is your dream of what your food future should be from a… Read More

Canadians are set to celebrate Canada’s Agriculture Day February 12, with gatherings, conferences, celebrations, and sharing what’s happening on the farm. The day is all part of the “share our story” philosophy — that agriculture’s customers have simply lost touch with how food is grown and produced, and that if farmers share more, they’ll earn back… Read More