It can sometimes be difficult to figure out the meaning of a commercial. But not this Japanese milk commercial that was showcased on The Ellen Show. In North America, we’ve had milk moustaches, blue cows and spilled milk — our own approaches to and views on marketing milk — but you have to watch this Japanese… Read More

I don’t have my numbers in front of me, but it seems to me that the chances of encountering a “perfect storm” in agriculture are much higher than in other industries. When it rains, it pours … and then it hails. If you’re Lyndsey and you’re blessed with triplet lambs, one dies after birth, mom… Read More

Since the election of Donald Trump, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been under threat. Initially, the harsh words of walls, import tariffs, and immigration reform were directed squarely at Mexico. That all changed this week when president Trump “laid down the law” in an effort to make Canada quiver insecurely in its… Read More

Why are celebrities so influential when it comes to trends? Turns out, we may actually be programmed to follow prestige. But, as Timothy Caulfield explains, we may not always recognize this behaviour in ourselves, claiming instead that “everyone else” falls for such things, but not us. Caulfield, a professor with the University of Alberta’s law… Read More

“Baby, It’s Cold Outside” is a Christmas classic, written by Frank Loesser in 1944, in which a female singer explains why she’s unable to stay for a romantic evening. As anybody who has animals that need tending knows, the idyllic moments of the holidays can be fleeting. It’s less cozy time in front of a crackling… Read More

A case of mistaken crop identity has resulted in RCMP arresting three adults for break and enter, as well damage to crop destined for beer production on a hops farm in PEI. Stratford RCMP say they responded to a complaint from a farmer on Saturday afternoon after he observed three unknown adults near his farm… Read More

Farmers and rural residents are fed up with sky-rocketing hydro electricity costs, and they’re done being polite about it. This week at the International Plowing Match, the agriculture and rural community let Kathleen Wynne and her Liberal government know — very vocally — just what they thought of a proposed HST cut to ease hydro… Read More

Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show is in the books for another year, and the 2016 edition of the wrap up features not only resident agronomist Peter Johnson (@WheatPete) but also Lyndsey Smith’s (triumphant?) return to RealAgriculture’s signature farm show wrap. Covering a show of this magnitude takes a team, and Peter and Lyndsey highlight what they,… Read More