The Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency is generally known for its work funding research and market development in the beef and pork industries, but the organization also has a vested interest in dairy. Whether its forage production, animal welfare or meat prices, dairy has more in common with other livestock industries than most recognize, says ALMA… Read More

The number of soil tests in Manitoba with phosphorus concentrations below the critical level for crop production grew by 7 percent between 2010 and 2015, according to the new North American Soil Test Summary published by the International Plant Nutrition Institute. Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec, as well as 13 U.S. states, all saw more… Read More

A cow-calf producer from apple country in southeastern Ontario is the new president of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. Dan Darling and David Haywood-Farmer of BC were elected by acclamation as president and vice president, respectively, at the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association’s annual general meeting in Ottawa this past weekend. Darling, who served as vice president for… Read More

Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay visited the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association’s annual meeting in Ottawa yesterday to announce $4 million in federal funds for three beef projects. According to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the three initiatives include: $2,601,500 million from the AgriMarketing Assurance Stream toward the development of tools to enable end-users (packers, retail food service), consumers… Read More

The Ontario Corn Fed Beef program is receiving national recognition. The program, which is managed by the Ontario Cattle Feeders Association, received the 2016 Beef Industry Innovation and Sustainability Award at the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association’s annual meeting in Ottawa on Thursday. “Ontario Corn Fed Beef is a success story that could serve as a blueprint… Read More

Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay was in Calgary on Wednesday to announce almost $2.6 million for developing markets for Canadian beef cattle genetics. The Canadian Beef Breeds Council will use the funding to “implement a market development strategy, attend international trade shows and lead missions to raise awareness of Canadian beef genetics,” focusing on key… Read More

Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Lawrence MacAulay announced a $1 million investment in genomic technologies for the cattle sector today. “Canada’s beef sector contributes significantly to the country’s economy,” said Minister MacAulay. “Investments in genomic testing offer producers a science-based approach to improve the selection of beef breeds for improved productivity and quality.” The funding… Read More

The Beef InfoXchange System or “BIXS” aims to add value to the Canadian cattle industry by improving communication and feedback between each link in the beef value chain. It was originally launched by the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association in 2009, and in 2014 CCA partnered with ViewTrak Technologies to privatize the system. Now, another milestone announcement — an agreement with Cargill… Read More