What are dairy farmers looking for when they source sawdust bedding for their cows? Some farmers want it fine and others prefer a coarse product, but everybody wants dry sawdust, says Pat Liew, business development director of Ecostrat, which markets the cow bedding to farmers across North America. The company’s been in the paper, plastics… Read More
Category: Cow Comfort
What makes a rubber cow mat unique? For German manufacturer Huber Technik it comes down to the fact that their rubber never meets the road. In this report from the 2024 Canadian Dairy XPO at Stratford, Ont., the company’s owner Veronika Kamm says Huber Technik’s stall mattresses are made from only new tire compounds. “Our… Read More
Earlier this year, Lancashire, England-based Hoofcount made its first visit to the Canadian Dairy XPO since the foot care company set up Canadian operations in 2021. In this interview at the annual dairy showcase at Stratford, Ont., Hoofcount director Jane Marsh shares how the company’s success is built on effective, reliable and labour-saving foot bathing… Read More
The average Canadian dairy cow milks for about 2.8 lactations. That’s better than the global average of 2.5, but this country’s cows could last longer and produce more if dairy farmers did a better job of listening to their cows, says CowSignals founder Joep Driessen. A veterinarian who co-founded the CowSignals business in The Netherlands… Read More
Dr. Tim Henshaw never missed an opportunity to promote the Canadian dairy industry and its contribution to this country and the world. A champion for agriculture, Henshaw, a 1979 Ontario Veterinary College graduate, spent over 40 years as a veterinarian on cattle reproductive health at United Breeders, then Gencor and finally EastGen. He examined more… Read More
The popularity of robot milkers continues to grow dramatically across Canada. Today, between 15 and 20 per cent of Canadian farms milk cows using robot technology. Ten years ago, that number hovered near five per cent. Western Canadian dairy farmers are the biggest adopters with between 25 and 50 per cent of farms in different… Read More
Artificial intelligence is making it easier for farmers and ranchers to keep an eye on their livestock. At the recent Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show at Woodstock, Ont., OneCup AI showcased how its AI technology uses computer vision technology to identify and monitor livestock. In this video, the company’s CEO, Mokah Shmigelsky gives us a snapshot… Read More
Keeping hooves drier, harder, and cleaner is better for cows, dairy farmers, and the environment. Animal comfort specialist Bioret Agri believes it’s checked all these boxes with its new Magellan self-draining rubber flooring, which is designed to improve drainage, provide greater traction for cows, and reduce ammonia production. Adam Steward, business development manager for Bioret… Read More
Reducing stress points isn’t only important for farmers but for their livestock as well, especially for dairy cows where stress can directly impact milk production. Bioret Agri’s innovative waterbed looks to reduce those stress points in cow housing. Adam Steward, business development manager for Bioret Agri, says their single-chamber waterbed stands out from others on… Read More
The Canadian Dairy XPO (CDX) is planning to return to Stratford, Ontario, for a live dairy industry showcase on April 6 and 7, 2022. CDX has not run its traditional tradeshow since 2019 — the event was cancelled in 2020 and a virtual program was presented in 2021. “Things will look different,” says CDX founder and… Read More