Livestock handling demonstrations always gather a crowd at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show. Brussels Agri-Services, a Gallagher distributor, was a popular site, as they demonstrated the Auto Drafter – a state-of-the-art, incredibly quick sheep sorter. Capable of sorting several hundred sheep per hour, the Auto Drafter used RFID tag information to sort sheep in up to… Read More
Category: Lamb
What if there was a way you could get at least 25% more grass out of your pastures with minimal investment? There is — the secret is adding electric fencing and moving your cows more. Jack Kyle, grazier specialist with OMAFRA, says that restricting the cows to smaller pastures and then moving them every day… Read More
Efficiency is the name of the game for all manner of producers, especially in this new, volatile production environment. Farmers are looking at all areas of their operations looking for areas to cut costs or to save inputs. Livestock watering systems are a great place to start. Older livestock waterers can be both power hogs… Read More
Do you eat as much meat as you used to? Many people in North America do say no, yet the the US still eats the second highest amount of meat per capita in the world according to the Economist. The average American consumers 276 pounds of meat per year while Personally I still love… Read More
This is part two of my interview with the President and CEO of the Alberta Livestock Meat Agency (ALMA), Gordon Cove. In this interview I asked questions provided to me by producers. I gathered questions from Twitter and Agriville and asked them in no particular order to Mr. Cove. I would suggest that many people at the… Read More
I was fortunate earlier this week to meet with the President & CEO of the Alberta Livestock Meat Agency, Gordon Cove. My interview is broken into two parts and I hope that you find it interesting and look upon it objectively. No matter where your meat politics reside you have to admit that the Alberta… Read More
Last month the Alberta Government announced that they were changing the checkoff rules for pork, beef, potatoes and lamb in the province. This has been a very controversial topic because of the massing theories as to what will happen with that money if a refund is requested. I spoke to Kevin Grier, Senior Market Analyst… Read More