Being able to define “sustainability ” is critical when it comes to understanding the impact of livestock production, and while environmental metrics are often top of mind, the definition must also account for social and economic outcomes. Dr. Sara Place, chief sustainability officer with animal health company Elanco, joined RealAg Radio host Shaun Haney this… Read More

The federal and Manitoba governments are expanding the list of expenses covered under the drought relief program that helps livestock producers purchase and haul feed for their animals. The Livestock Feed and Transportation Drought Assistance program was originally announced in August 2021, with funding to help producers purchase, transport, and test feed to maintain their… Read More

Ontario veterinarians will be able to access a portion of up to $4 million for new, portal and virtual equipment. Funded through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, the Livestock Veterinary Innovation Initiative is intended to increase the access options for veterinary care, especially in rural and northern Ontario. The province says the program will target investment… Read More

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is set to publish a new rule that will allow the importation of live goat, sheep, and other ruminants, 30 days from December 12, 2021, provided they meet new regulatory requirements. The existing rule has been in effect following the 2003 finding… Read More

Ontario Sheep Farmers recently updated several online resources for its membership, including a new version of the price and profit predictability tools. OSF created this farm management tool in partnership with the University of Guelph and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and recently assumed ownership and administrative duties of the resource to ensure… Read More

I am going to tell you a story. It’s a story that probably will leave your mouth agape and thinking, “People wouldn’t actually do that, would they?” But I assure you, this story is true. Last Wednesday, our employee at our second solar grazing site (about 1.25 hour drive from the home farm) texted to… Read More

The Manitoba government has opened up the process for applications and unveiled details on how livestock producers can receive funding through a pair of AgriRecovery drought programs designed to help producers move feed to their animals, or animals to feed. Agriculture and Resource Development Minister Ralph Eichler shared the news alongside leaders from Manitoba Beef… Read More

In the early 2000s, Canadian farmers from the east helped out those in the west with hay supplies, after the drought of 2002 left very little for feed. Dubbed Hay West, the grassroots movement was revived 10 years later, when western Canadian farmers returned the favour for many farmers in Ontario’s Ottawa Valley with Hay… Read More

Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau has announced $2.6 million in federal funding for the Canadian Forage and Grassland Association (CFGA) to support three projects that will assess and improve alfalfa growth using artificial intelligence and develop a carbon offset system for grasslands. Some of the funding announced July 19 will also be used… Read More