Two things are true when it comes to agriculture: where there are cattle, there is manure and where there are crops, there is a need for nutrients. Producers have found many ways to handle those two truths individually, but research is showing that some things really are better together. Feedlot operators have been spreading manure… Read More

By Cam Dahl, general manager for Manitoba Pork It is not your great-granddaddy’s farm anymore. While some may have nostalgia for the old farm with a little red barn that housed a few chickens, a couple of pigs, and a dairy cow, it is better for both the environment and the economy that agriculture has… Read More

Legumes, such as alfalfa, trefoil, and sainfoin, are a great feed source, are excellent for soil health, and play a role in sequestering carbon in the soil. According to emerging research by Dr. Bart Lardner, legumes in the bovine diet also lowers methane emissions, one of the components being measured in an on-going research project… Read More

Hello, December! On this week’s episode of Wheat Pete’s Word, host Peter Johnson gets further in to the soil organic matter discussion, including the long-term legacy of manure applications, talks sulphur management, and compares some findings on the ROI on fungicide on corn. Have a question you’d like Wheat Pete to address or some field… Read More

Research is valuable on both sides of the border — and we can learn a lot from each other through trials that have already been conducted. One of these ongoing trials taking place south of the border is looking at the legacy of manure, in southern Idaho. Southern Idaho happens to have a lot in… Read More

Two weeks of dry weather conditions across Ontario has helped move a lot of manure over fields across the province. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs manure management specialist Christine Brown is reporting that custom operators have been running hard and most farmers were finishing up applications for crop land late last week…. Read More