Sitting in the Northern Exposure presentation at the Southwest Agricultural Conference, I watched with fascination as a room full of southern Ontario farmers were captivated by Prairie agriculture. How’s that, you ask? Well, farming in Ontario’s “north” is far more similar to farming in Manitoba than the rest of the growing region of Ontario, and this Prairie… Read More

We’re kicking off the Beef Market Update with likely the most positive-sounding Anne Wasko we’ve heard since last spring (it’s not her fault, dem cattle markets, you guys). Kelvin Heppner steps in for Shaun Haney in this latest look at beef and cattle prices across Canada and into the U.S., and Wasko can’t help but… Read More

For beginning ranchers or those looking to possibly expand their herd, community pastures can play a vital role in providing access to reasonably-priced and accessible grazing land. As Terence Caumartin, with the Association of Manitoba Community Pastures, explains to Shaun Haney in this interview recorded at Agribition, the 17 pastures managed by the association could… Read More

Add letting you know that your cow is about to give birth to the list of things your cell phone can do. A calving sensor that communicates via mobile network from Ireland-based MooCall recently debuted on the Canadian market. “It’s a calving sensor that will text you a half hour to one hour before the cow… Read More

Marketed as “the world’s first cordless fencing stapler,” the STOCKade ST400i won first place in the innovation contest at Agri-Trade in Red Deer, Alta., this fall. The cordless stapler has more power than a pneumatic fencing stapler and does not require a compressor and hoses, notes Axle Boris of Langley, BC-based FenceFast Ltd., in this video recorded at Agribition… Read More

Agriculture has so many job options and job vacancies. Students are always looking for a way to connect their interests and talents with a viable career choice. To close both of these gaps the conduit to the future is teachers. Over 8,100 students from around Regina attended the event and learned about agriculture.  At Agribition,… Read More