Last week, Mexico cut off the imports of US pork and beef from 30 US plants owned by Tyson, Smithfield Foods, JBS and Cargill. This is in addition to Mexico joining Canada on December 19th to file a complaint with the WTO regarding COOL. Reportedly, the ban had to do with technical and sanitary issues… Read More
Category: Livestock
Yesterday on Call of the Land, an Alberta Radio Show, there was an interview with the Honorable George Groeneveld, the Alberta Agriculture Minister. Known for his straight forward answers Mr. Groeneveld discusses the highlights of 2008. In the interview he discusses trade with Asia, the implementation of ALMA and ongoing issues with the WTO. This… Read More
It is official, Tom Vilsack is the new Ag Secretary in the United States. Vilsack is the former governor of Iowa and Presidential candidate. Iowa has the second largest agricultural output value in the country, second to only California. If you want to intimately get to know the new secretary, check out his My Space… Read More
Sometimes when you are trying to get a point across you stretch the fabric of reality to invoke thought. Many speakers and writers do this everyday in order to make a point. Well I think the NFU has crossed the line this week as Darrin Qualman made statements regarding Canada’s focus on trade to better agriculture… Read More
Bill Bullard, CEO of R-Calf, was in Washington earlier this week trying to mold the future of the USDA and US trade policy. The meeting was with the Obama-Biden transition team. Based on the shenanigans that R-Calf pulls and showcases how they believe in not letting the facts distort a good story, I am concerned… Read More
IBM has developed a system to fully track a steaks movement through the supply chain. This really is the ultimate in providing information to the customer. Whether or not someone is willing to pay for that sort of information I think is still in question. I still think that this sort of information is more… Read More
I was invited by the High River Feeder Association to speak at their annual meeting last night. The meal was great and the people were very welcoming. I spoke to the fact that the beef business is under attack. No more than ever have we had to deal with such volatility and impactful variables. When… Read More
Lately there has been alot of focus on the increased need for more money to go into feed grain research in Canada. With provincial and federal funding decreasing over the past 10 years it is imperative that this change. Probably the most pressing concern is that the corn industry is focused on continuing to push… Read More
Now that COOL is underway the Canadian beef industry is once again under American trade attack. with JBS Swift in Greeley announcing that they will no longer accept Canadian cattle and Pasco down to twice a week the flow of Canadian fat cattle headed south has been impeded. With the US election looking like a… Read More