The microbiomes of animals, on and in crops, and in soil and water are incredibly complex that are intricately interconnected, with each influencing the others in various ways. Dr. Tim McAllister, principal research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, has spent nearly a decade studying microbiomes, referring to them as the one health microbiome or… Read More

The Dairy Processing Modernization Initiative is a joint Canada-Ontario program with a total funding availability of $7.18 million through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership. The initiative is over 90 per cent subscribed, but that means that applications are still being accepted for the remaining funding. To date, 70 projects across Ontario have been funded. Projects… Read More

Grazing corn is becoming increasingly more common. So is grazing cover crops. But what happens when you put the two together? How wide should the corn rows be in order to make space for the cover crop? And is this a profitable way of farming? Byron Long of Long Family Farm at Barrhead County, Alberta… Read More

Imports into Canada of animals and animal products susceptible to foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) from Germany have been suspended until further notice, according to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), after confirmation of the disease in a herd of water buffalo near Berlin last week. Germany’s beef and pork, along with milk and milk products, are… Read More

Southwestern Ontario is home to some of Canada’s most productive farmland, and a “perfect storm” of low interest rates, stretches of high commodity prices and relatively good weather have driven farmland prices to dizzying heights in the region. Ryan Parker from London, Ont.- based Valco Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants, which produces an annual survey… Read More

Farming can be a high risk business and that is as true in ranching as it is in other agricultural sectors. While 2024 saw some excellent highs in the cattle markets, Burke Teichert, a consultant, writer, and public speaker, says in this interview at the Western Canada Conference on Soil Health and Grazing, that these… Read More