At one time the farmer mainly used horses, then motorbikes, then quads and now the Utility Terrain Vehicle (UTV) has become a common tool on the farm. For many ranchers and farmers these utility vehicles have created a real sense of versatility and handiness. I must admit that when the UTV first was introduced I… Read More

Whenever I attend farm shows I always like to check out the different implements. When you travel out of your home region you tend to see different implements than your own. This is a great way to pick up on tools and techniques that are being used in different regions and maybe apply them to… Read More

Minimizing the loss of silage is very important in any livestock operation whether you are running a dairy or a feedyard. Silage can be stored in a pit, silo or the bale wrapper. Proper storage is very important feeding requirements. What kind of silage storage you choose will somewhat depend on your farm location or… Read More

The smell of a liquid manure spreader (better known as a honey wagon) is very familiar in many rural areas of Canada. Liquid manure spreaders are very popular in hog and dairy operations. Many people argue that once incorporated, liquid manure is highly beneficial in comparison to its solid manure alternative. In talking to farmers… Read More

By Shaun Haney Agriculture has some untouchable topics that we are just not supposed to talk about.  One of them is dealing with aging farm workers.  On the farm we are taught to respect our elders but in some cases in agriculture we take this to high levels of absurdity.   Recently, in northern Alberta… Read More

One of my favourite things to do at a farm show is check out some of the cool new inventions that people have come up with. Most of the time the inventions really have limited scope and will provide little value to the greater farming community except for a few neighbours. But once in awhile… Read More

It would amaze you how many farmers don’t go through the proper initial prep on their seed drill before they go out to the field.  Just filling the cart tank and running wild it is not necessarily the best way to proceed. In this weeks episode of the Wheat School, Dean Jackson, Stoltz Sales and… Read More

The Western Canadian wet weather has proved many challenges but one things is certain, soil compaction is going to be a massive challenge to manage depending on your soil type. The upcoming fall may even bring the strongest of no-tillers to the dark side for one season and force them to till the ground to… Read More

I am intrigued by neat and cool ideas. While at the Farm Progress Show in Regina, I encountered a really interesting simple marketing concept that gives farmers the opportunity to evaluate machinery more accurately. Versatile is traveling across North America on the Versatile Power Drive 2010.  Essentially this is an opportunity for farmers and ranchers… Read More