When you’re looking at controlling costs on the farm, the issue of overlapping with seed and fertilizer can be a big one. Especially in crops like canola, over seeding and over application of fertilizer can have a very negative impact on growth and development and end up being very costly for the farmer. Controlling that… Read More

Everyone does love an auction, and why not, there’s usually something there for everyone. It’s an event that sends bargain hunters and collectors out en masse to look for that “good deal” or that “rare gem” or even that spare part nobody makes anymore. The only problem is that you usually hear about those “good… Read More

Trash can be a major pain for farmers using independent openers come seeding time, especially if residue isn’t managed properly off the combine at harvest. Straw and other material can accumulate around the drill shank pretty quickly affecting seed depth and placement. If you’re running any drill with independent openers, navigating through trashy stubble can… Read More