The Alberta government has once again extended the deadline for farmers and farm workers to apply for their Class 1. Under new rules, a person working on a farm will have until Nov. 30, 2020 to apply for the extension through Alberta Transportation. If approved, this allow applicants to go through the pre-Mandatory Entry-Level Training… Read More
Category: Trucks
On the farm, the variety of pick up trucks is pretty narrow as most farmers are very loyal to the American automakers. Chevrolet, Dodge, or Ford can be found on most farms — is there room for a new entrant? Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, is promoting the idea of a Tesla pick up… Read More
After months of consultation, the Saskatchewan government introduced new training requirements for driving a semi for a farm or ranch operation. The changes follow the implementation of 121.5 mandatory training hours for Class 1 commercial semi drivers that came into effect March 15, 2019. Currently those that drive truck have to obtain an ‘F’ endorsement… Read More
Starting September 1, Manitoba truck drivers will require mandatory entry-level training (MELT). That being said, farmers will get a one-year deferral for new training to allow for additional consultations with the industry. The government says the extension was granted in order to determine an appropriate phase-in strategy that mitigates impacts on the 2019 farming season. “Our government… Read More
It appears the Government of Alberta has listened to Team Alberta’s concerns over the timing of the Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) for new Class 1 drivers announced last month. Transportation Minister Brian Mason has announced agricultural workers may apply for a one-year exemption from the training, recognizing the quick turn-around to implement MELT would be incredibly tight… Read More
In a story first brought to you by RealAgriculture last week, Team Alberta, comprised of Alberta Wheat and Barley, Alberta Canola, and Alberta Pulse, are coming together to request more time before the changes to the Class 1 driver’s license come into effect. “Team Alberta supports safer and more highly skilled drivers operating on our… Read More
In the wake of several high-profile accidents involving semi trucks, Saskatchewan has moved to ensure potential drivers receive more training. On April 6, 2018 sixteen people were killed and 13 injured when a semi-trailer failed to yield at a flashing stop sign and crashed into a bus carrying players and staff of the Humboldt Broncos… Read More
Having control of inventory is a constant concern for all small business owners, including farmers. When you have multiple fuel types, multiple users, and tanks that are accessible to anyone that drives through the yard, fuel inventory management can become one of your biggest concerns — and one of your most expensive. Which is most… Read More
There are 3.5 million professional truck drivers in the United States and somewhere around 300,000 in Canada. What does their future hold with recent developments in autonomous or robotic technology? We’ve talked about the autonomous semi truck Otto delivering beer and appliances in the past. Last week, we saw Tesla unveil its electric semi truck… Read More
What happens when 400 innovative farmers, a team of agronomy and extension specialists, and a leading soil compaction researcher descend on an Ontario farm? You get Compaction Action – likely the most ambitious and insightful ‘hands-on’ farm research day ever attempted in the province. The event, hosted by the Innovative Farmers Association of Ontario (IFAO), featured… Read More