Favourable weather continues to hover like a dark cloud over the grain markets as they continue to trek lower, just as meat prices are going the opposite direction. While most prices are relatively unchanged week-over-week, soybean prices did find a bit of a bounce on very strong U.S. export sales (as they say, the cure… Read More

Listen to this week’s market wrap-up on Soundcloud: Grains are mostly lower this week as the market chews through a bearish report from the USDA on Friday, July 11th. The only place you would’ve seen bulls roaming around was at the Calgary Stampede, I’m afraid. Managed money continues to be net sold of all grains,… Read More

We’re at a critical point in the growing season —  some of Canada’s pulse crops, specifically lentils, are struggling through excess moisture which could send prices higher. At the same time, those crops destined for markets accessed through the south or east shipping corridors are faced with slow movement, even if export demand is steady…. Read More

A conundrum. A quagmire. An imbroglio. Quite simply put, we’re in a bit of a predicament between some very wet conditions creating production concerns in Western Canada and the northern U.S. states, but also because the market it chewing through a neutral-to-bearish report from Statistics Canada on Friday, June 27th and a surprising USDA report… Read More

Grain markets continue to be depressed by favourable crop conditions, especially in the U.S. where the corn crop was most recently rated as 76 per cent in good-to-excellent condition while the U.S. soybean crop was rated as 73 per cent G/E. This is the fifth-best and best ratings for mid-June on record. University of Illinois… Read More

Grains this week have been in a bit of a slump as #plant14 is finally wrapping up and crop conditions are generally good. The start of the week focused around the portion of the U.S. corn and soybean crop rated good-to-excellent at 75% and 74% respectively. Wheat continues to trade lower with bigger expectations out… Read More

Many grain market participants are blaming the end of the calendar month as the reason for some sharp losses this week, as funds try to shore up their books and withdraw cash to pay off clients requesting their investment back. It’s interesting to note that managed money went net short in Chicago last week and… Read More