Grains have traded relatively lower this week as a relatively bearish outlook from the U.S.D.A. last Friday but a bit of a damper on the market. Corn and wheat prices have taken the biggest hit week-over-week as positive planting progress across the border in the U.S. pulled back some of the premium built into the… Read More

Grains this week were mostly higher as weather concerns and geopolitical risk continued to hang over the market. The oilseed trade was adversely affected by a large stocks number put out by Statistics Canada but has since got some support from an increasing chance of El Nino (bullish for vegetable oils) and Chinese soybean imports… Read More

If you cannot see the embedded player, click here. Late April has some farmers in Western Canada dusting off the seeding equipment, and there have even been reports of elusive railcars sighted at elevators. This is the backdrop to which grains continue to trade off of weather and the geopolitical situation in Eastern Europe. Concerns… Read More

If you cannot see the embedded player, click here. The grain trade this week was mostly higher as solid export numbers and lingering concerns over dryness and the political state of Eastern Europe hung over market. With Russian troop numbers building at the Russian-Ukrainian border, more than a few intelligence analysts are reminded of a… Read More