The crop is in and growing, the sprayer is running and farmers are keeping an eye on fungicide timing. Which probably means, of course, that it’s time to think about what to sell off the combine. Those who are disciplined have likely already priced some crop, but many are just now getting comfortable with committing… Read More
Category: Hedging
What’s your risk management plan for your cattle business? If you don’t have one or would like to step up your understanding of price risk, managing returns and use of contracts, this free workshop may be for you. Beginning next week, Linus7, Agriculture Financial Services Corporation’s Cattle Price Insurance Program (CPIP) and’s cattle market… Read More
Developing an opinion on crop prices and the direction they’re headed is not an exact science. Once you can move beyond expecting to be right all the time, it’s time to start putting some fundamental analysis to work for you. While many farmers are familiar with that term and supply and demand discussions, understanding how… Read More
Whether you do your own digging, subscribe to several news outlets or employ an analyst, making decisions about price direction requires a significant investment of time and effort. For many farmers, marketing and following the markets is an enjoyable part of their job. For others, it’s not how they’d like to spend their time or… Read More
The new marketing environment around wheat in Western Canada offers producers a much greater level of involvement than they’ve ever had when it comes to managing price risk. Should producers choose to step out of the contract environment provided by their local grain companies and buyers and go directly to the futures and options market… Read More
If you cannot see the above embedded audio player, CLICK HERE According to Chuck Penner, LeftField Commodity Research, everyone was waiting for the USDA planting intention report with baited breathe but what shocked (or maybe not) the market was the stocks report. Farmers holding onto old crop crop corn and wheat without unhedged are feeling… Read More
A near-record number of intended corn acres estimated today by the USDA’s planting intentions report has pressured corn markets limit-down for the day. Hear what Chuck Penner Thinks About the USDA Stocks Report Today The report pegs estimated acres at 97.3 million acres, a total eclipsed only by a mid-1930s planting. The USDA National Agricultural… Read More
Farmers do an amazing job of keeping current on the latest agronomy findings, and many are keen to work on new and improved practices each year. But not everyone loves biology — some prefer the business side of farming and enjoy the time spent analyzing markets and setting up a hedging strategy. Each crop type… Read More
The transition from the closed to open wheat and barley market has gone very smoothly, of that most will agree. Sales have gone through, prices have been strong and the hiccups have been relatively minor. Earlier this week, several market analysts, grain buyers and farmers converged on downtown Winnipeg for Wild Oats Grainworld, a conference… Read More
Whenever someone mentions risk management in grain marketing, someone also mentions futures, options, puts, calls and, eventually, most people’s eyes glaze over. Anyone who has done a marketing course has also run through a hedging example or five in their education only to find that these tidy examples involving one crop rarely mirror real life…. Read More