The market just continues to get tossed around based on acreage, yield and carry out numbers from Stats Can and the USDA.  Today it was the USDA’s turn as they broke the news that they have revised their corn yield estimates down to 155 bu per acre from 160 bu per acre.  It has been… Read More

When I was at CropWeek last January lentils were all the rage for farmers. With high prices and increasing acres many people, including myself thought the best thing to do was to forward sell 2010 crop at low 20’s to protect against a bearish market. Throw in a poor spring, a wet harvest and resulting… Read More

The question of how bullish is corn is really all the talk right now in coffee shops across the US and Canada.  Producers and the industry are focused on this crop staple and what it is going to do through the winter.  Will we see $6.00 corn shortly or is this just a short blip… Read More

Just when you think the wheat market is stable and that the supply and demand equation is fully priced in the market……BOOM!!!!!! Russia and some neighbouring countries decide to have a drought and WALLA!!!……The market have decided to go 2007 on us again. Who can stomach this volatility and craziness? Is this real or just… Read More

Globally, the barley crop is in flux.  For farmers that grow malt barley and feed barley, 2010 does not look like a great year to be growing and marketing barley.  Many growers feel the malt premiums are not high enough and the feeding sector is increasing DDG incorporation.  In areas like Southern Alberta silage pits… Read More