With more than 2 million unharvested acres, and wet conditions preventing normal fall work in many areas it’s going to be a busy spring across much of Western Canada. How will this affect acres of each crop, especially if the recent wet weather trend continues? As Mike Jubinville of ProFarmer Canada notes, cropping options are going… Read More

As oddsmakers and fans adjust their expectations for who’s going to win the Stanley Cup, market analysts are crunching the numbers on how many acres of each crop farmers will plant this spring, with the Statistics Canada acreage report coming out on Friday. Dwight Nichol of DLN AgVentures joined RealAg Radio on Tuesday (before the Oilers’… Read More

Grain markets headed into the Easter holiday weekend on a bit more volatility, helping most futures stay in the green. Oats were the big winner, rebounding up 4.15% since last Friday, closely followed by 3.5% and 3.15% by soymeal and corn respectively. The U.S. dollar was the big loser of the week, down 0.6%, which supported… Read More

Grains started the month of April with a little bit of follow-through fanfare from the USDA’s stocks and acreage report on March 31st and some speculation over the start of the North American planting season and end of the first South American harvest. For the week, canola was the winner, gaining 0.9% which was helped… Read More

AgriClear, a North America-wide online transaction and payment platform for cattle buyers and sellers, has announced a collaborative marketing agreement with Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+). Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) is a national program providing verification of Canadian beef production practices at the farm, ranch, and feedlot. Delivered nationally under the umbrella of the… Read More

Concerns that India would no longer accept Canadian peas and lentils due to changes to fumigation requirements on incoming shipments were overblown, says the president of LeftField Commodity Research. India issued a three month extension last week, allowing sales to Canada’s largest pulse export market to continue. “In the end it turns out there was a lot more smoke… Read More

Soybeans will be on the verge of matching corn acres in the U.S. this year, according to the USDA’s Prospective Plantings report published Friday. Higher soybean acres has been the consensus in the market for some time, but the department’s soybean acreage estimate of 89.5 million was still well above the average pre-report guess of… Read More

G3 Canada continues to expand its presence on the prairies, announcing plans for two new primary elevators in Saskatchewan on Tuesday. The company that evolved out of the privatized Canadian Wheat Board says it will build a 34,000 tonne facility 5 km north of Melville on Highway 10 and a 42,000 tonne elevator 7 km… Read More