It is amazing how a lack of volatility in today’s feed grain markets almost makes a person nervous. Feeders and farmers don’t seem believe that the corn and barley markets can actually sit still and hold a broad trading range. It really is unbelievable how we have moved from an industry that expected feed prices… Read More

As I mentioned two weeks ago, 2010 is the year of indecision and that continues. On Wednesday the USDA released its 2010 acreage forecast and ending stock report.  It is hard to not hear the reports and think that there is a bit of a bearish tone to the all the commodities involved.  For example wheat… Read More

  At the Syngenta G32 Summit I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Allan Gray from Purdue University.  With the increased volatility in the marketplace producers must be much more aware and conscious of the risk dynamics.  I have always found that risk is a very difficult topic to discuss because everyone has a different risk profile.  What seems… Read More

Globally, the barley crop is in flux.  For farmers that grow malt barley and feed barley, 2010 does not look like a great year to be growing and marketing barley.  Many growers feel the malt premiums are not high enough and the feeding sector is increasing DDG incorporation.  In areas like Southern Alberta silage pits… Read More

The durum market is very ugly for Western Canadian farmers heading into spring.  There is an abundance of supply in storage and there is a threat of the supply getting larger this Canadian growing season if acres are not reduced or old crop doesn’t get marketed. Durum traditionally has been a crop that has paid… Read More

The supply demand report was released this week in the United States.  The result has been a new found bullish feeling in regards to the corn market.  It seems that the volatility in the corn market is going to continue in 2010 based on some of the comments I am hearing from different analysts.  with… Read More

As a farmer you have to deal with many variables that are out of your control.  Harvest in North America is almost complete and now farmers are faced with dealing with the commodity markets.  Most farmers are no doubt following the grain and oilseed markets on a daily basis but now it becomes more of… Read More

Anne Dunford of the Gateway Livestock Exchange breaks down the recent bounce off the bottom for the cattle market and whether or not she can see this market continuing upward into December and the spring. See Past Beef Market Updates