The North American renewable fuel industry is waiting for answers from both the outgoing and incoming administrations in the U.S. to big policy questions that will have a major impact on future demand for crops as feedstocks. President-elect Trump’s nominee for leading the Environmental Protection Agency — New York congressman Lee Zeldin — has a history… Read More

Grain markets, with the possible exception of soybeans, appear to have bottomed out and are showing signs they’re entering a period of sideways trade, says the president of grain market consulting firm Intellifarm. He’s not feeling bullish yet, but after striking a negative sentiment in his regular appearances on RealAg Radio over the last two… Read More

A trio of investors are bringing together several existing crop-handling facilities in Saskatchewan to launch a new pulse and specialty crop company. Harvest Grain Ltd., which already owns canaryseed processor Bornhorst Seeds Ltd. at St. Gregor in northeast Saskatchewan, says it has acquired full ownership of specialty crop handler Harvest Milling at Fillmore, in the… Read More

Canada’s Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay is quietly heading to China on an unannounced trip to work on mitigating harm from potential Chinese duties on Canadian canola. The timing and magnitude of possible tariffs or restrictions on Canadian canola are still unclear, but the industry is bracing for the possibility of retaliatory measures taking effect in… Read More

Initial market reaction to an incoming Donald Trump presidency has been positive for most financial markets, however commodity market moves haven’t been as decisively upward as the market digests several unanswered questions. Neil Townsend, market analyst with Grainfox, says the very early reaction on Wednesday trended a little negative, even, and that’s not likely a… Read More

Trade in Canada’s agriculture sectors depend not only on having reliable products to take to market, and the capacity to get them there, but also on industry advocacy and the ability to lobby the government for the needs of each sector. Stephen Heckbert, executive director of the Canadian Pork Council (CPC), says that their organization’s… Read More

As the calendar moves toward 2025, global pork producers, despite improving profitability, continue to face challenges from trade, disease and demand uncertainties. In its recent report on global pork markets, Rabobank says these questions as well as the potential impacts of political instability and La Niña further complicate a market that is currently experiencing a… Read More