As the calendar moves toward 2025, global pork producers, despite improving profitability, continue to face challenges from trade, disease and demand uncertainties. In its recent report on global pork markets, Rabobank says these questions as well as the potential impacts of political instability and La Niña further complicate a market that is currently experiencing a… Read More
Category: Markets
Discussions surrounding different agricultural policies and their impacts on Canadian industry have been a common theme in the last while. A few of those policies that could end up having a notable impact are three that are in the process of being introduced in the United States. In an interview about these three policies and… Read More
Holiday season — the U.S. Thanksgiving and Christmas time of year — is around the corner, and that’s showing in the beef market. The upcoming holidays are impacting the choice cutout and while the chuck primal is starting to come off, the strength of the market is in the loin and rib cutouts, says Anne… Read More
Farmers have been slow to price crop and while that won’t drive prices higher, it could be playing a factor in providing a bit of a floor for crop prices, says Jon Driedger, market analyst with LeftField Commodity Research. Markets are definitely a little ho-hum these days, he says, with most crops being range-bound. Canola… Read More
The Canadian Grain Commission has announced that they will be compensating producers who were not paid for grain delivered to Global Food and Ingredients Inc. (GFI) upon its winding down of operations, though not at 100 per cent of owed value. The CGC says that producers will be compensated at 75 per cent for their… Read More
The Canadian Grain Commission has announced a new plan for using a large portion of the nine-figure surplus it built between 2013 and 2017 from fees for grain inspection and weighing that were ultimately passed down to farmers. To stop the accumulation, the federal grain industry regulator lowered its fees several times between 2017 and… Read More
Steady to higher seems to be the common theme in the majority of cattle markets throughout North America. In the southern U.S., it looks like the trades are going to come in steady to one higher and the north is pretty steady with last week, says Anne Wasko of the Gateway Livestock Exchange in this… Read More
When a market analyst tells you to “reward the market” by selling in to a rally, what does that actually mean? Is 20 cents enough? What about 50 or 60? Does it depend on the crop? The exact number of upward movement is probably different for everyone, says Tyler Schau, market analyst with, but… Read More
It’s difficult to overstate the impact that Hurricane Helene has had and continues to have on southeastern states such as North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Over 300 people have lost their lives, livestock have been killed or are still missing, and whole towns are without power or even passable road systems. Florida was also… Read More
Every now and then expected seasonality offers a surprise for grain growers. For fall of 2024, commodity markets are moving ever so slightly against seasonal trends and are actually edging higher ahead of the coming corn harvest. Ranulf Glanville, market analyst with Grainfox, says that market behaviour right now offers farmers some reasons to be… Read More