Insect pests can make or break a season. There are many factors that contribute to pest population levels and that complicates the possible control decisions, from what chemicals can be used and if levels require it. Dr. James Tansey, entomologist for the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, says that there are several possible pests to look… Read More

Citing the need to review new research, Health Canada is delaying the final decision on outdoor uses of all three neonicotinoid insecticides, thiamethoxam, clothianidin, and imidacloprid. While neonics originally came under scrutiny for their apparent risk to honeybees and other pollinator species, Health Canada’s review findings, announced in early 2019, found only certain instances where… Read More

Health Canada has completed its re-evaluations of the neonicotinoid pesticides clothianidin, imidacloprid, and thiamethoxam in relation to the insecticides’ potential impact on bees and other pollinators. The final decision, announced today, reflects scientific assessment that shows “varying effects on bees and other pollinators” from exposure to each of these pesticides, Health Canada says. The department… Read More

The number of certified crop advisors (CCAs) in Ontario topped the 600 mark in 2017 and agronomist ranks in the province just keep on growing. At the Ontario Certified Crop Advisor Association annual meeting this week, outgoing CCA board chair Ken Currah reported that organization membership has now reached 655, with 102 more candidates registered… Read More

The future of any neonicotinoid product being registered for use in Canada is very uncertain, as Health Canada is currently proposing a ban or near ban on all uses of clothianidin, thiamethoxam, and imidacloprid. That said, Ontario’s main farmer organization, Grain Farmers of Ontario, is calling for its province to scrap its provincial restrictios of neonics, and… Read More

Agriculture industry and farm groups are voicing strong concerns about Health Canada’s proposed ban of two neonicotinoid (neonic) crop protection products announced on Wednesday. Citing risk to aquatic insects, such as mayflies and midges, not bees, the federal health department’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is looking to phase out all agricultural uses of thiamethoxam… Read More

What do you get when you connect two ‘city kid’ filmmakers, a world-class chef, and nine farmers and their families? You get Before The Plate, a genuine behind-the-kitchen-door, on-the-farm look at how food is produced in Canada, and the passion and commitment chefs and farmers apply to their craft. The driving force behind the film… Read More

Many Ontario farmers will remember when they routinely sprayed soybean crops to control bean leaf beetle. That changed 10 years ago with the introduction of neonicotinoid insecticide seed treatments, which helped suppress populations of the pest in Ontario and many U.S. states. But the pest is mounting a comeback as neonic use continues to decline and… Read More

In a somewhat confusing twist in the on-going neonicotinoid saga, Health Canada announced yesterday the findings of its pollinator health risk assessment for imidacloprid, one of three neonicotinoid insecticides currently under re-evaluation in Canada. It’s confusing because the findings and subsequent recommendations of the Pest Management Regulatory’s risk assessment are essentially a moot point: an earlier… Read More

The European General Court issued a verdict on Thursday upholding the European Commission’s decision in 2013 to restrict the use of neonicotinoid seed treatments (neonics). The ruling is seen as a win for the movement to restrict European farmers’ access to the chemicals used to prevent pest damage to crops. Neonic manufacturers Bayer and Syngenta,… Read More