Pop quiz: do dry conditions automatically mean a dialling back of nitrogen rates on corn? This is a tricky question to answer as very dry conditions for prolonged periods can impact yield potential, but dry conditions also mean nitrogen is less available to the plant, so it’s a tough call. For the answer to why… Read More

The Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s decision to restrict the use of lambda-cyhalothrin products for the 2023 growing season could have a significant impact on how growers manage corn, soybean and cereal crops this season. Lambda-cyhalothrin, the active ingredient in some the most commonly used insecticides growers use to control yield-robbing pests such as soybean aphids… Read More

The cereal leaf beetle is a relatively new pest of cereals in Alberta, first spotted in 2005. And, if you are Dr. Haley Catton, research scientist in cereal crop entomology with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, you’ll describe these creatures as a “beautiful, small, jewel-like beetle.” Those doing the scouting might not be so enamoured by… Read More

If everything goes south from here on in, we can blame Peter Johnson, host of the weekly Wheat Pete’s Word, as he proclaims this week that things are “looking pretty good out there.” In this week’s edition, Johnson tackles current crop conditions, the fallout from super fast crop advancement, weed control in 6-leaf corn (and… Read More