The growth of Bt resistant corn rootworm in the U.S. and now Ontario has many growers asking if the traits they purchase to defend their corn crop will stand up against the pest. It’s a question Dan Wright and other seed industry executives are hearing more often these days. But Wright, Syngenta Canada’s head of… Read More

Resistance to Bt corn rootworm hybrids has developed in Ontario and growers are asking: what’s the best strategy to control the yield-robbing pest if in-seed technology fails? Resistance has been confirmed in several fields in Huron, Perth and Durham Counties in Ontario and the problem is likely even more widespread, says Tracey Baute, Ontario Ministry… Read More

If you’ve ever adopted a new way of doing things after attending a field day or conference, do you let the researcher or extension staff know? Sometimes, research can be a rather thankless job, and many researchers don’t hear back on their work being applied on-farm. Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson came across just such an… Read More

Harvest is rocking and rolling for most corn and soybean growers in Ontario save for @WheatPete himself who took an equipment breakdown as a chance to get the Word done early this week. This week’s Wheat Pete’s Word covers a lot of ground, including the why behind high test weight corn, the nitrogen connection to high… Read More

How’s wheat planting coming along? Are you all done? Call 1-888-746-3311 or tweet @WheatPete to leave your feedback and questions for Wheat Pete! In this instalment of Wheat Pete’s Word, resident agronomist and host Peter Johnson covers a long list of topics, including what wheat plant populations should look like in fields that have already emerged… Read More