Wheat growers looking to manage resistance without compromising their crop rotation have a new herbicide to add to their management toolbox. Syngenta Canada has launched Erebus Xtreme, a grass and broadleaf cereal herbicide that combines Group 2 and Group 4 active ingredients in a pre-mixed liquid formulation. When using Erebus Xtreme, Syngenta says cereal growers will be able to effectively… Read More

ADAMA has announced Canadian farmers will have a second pinoxaden herbicide option for controlling grassy weeds in wheat and barley. Registered as BRAZEN, the Group 1 herbicide is safe to use on both spring wheat and barley up to flag leaf on both crops allowing for flexibility during spray season, the company says. ADAMA says… Read More

What’s the best strategy for managing herbicide resistance on your farm? In this episode of RealAgriculture’s Resistance Management School we visit Günter Jochum at his farm near St. Francois Xavier, MB. In 2010, Jochum discovered Group 1 herbicide resistant wild oats in one of his fields. Once the presence of resistant wild oats was confirmed, Jochum adopted… Read More

Highly competitive crops that make it difficult for weeds to gain a foothold in fields play a key role in effective herbicide resistance management. One way to make your crop more competitive is to increase seeding rates to produce higher plant populations. In this episode of RealAgriculture’s Resistance Management School, University of Manitoba weed scientist… Read More

Weed scientists in Western Canada and the U.S. Northern Plains are keeping an eye out for signs of glyphosate resistance in one of the most widespread weeds in the region. Wild oats, which is commonly resistant to other herbicide modes-of-action, could be the next weed to adapt to glyphosate, according to a risk assessment model developed by Hugh Beckie of… Read More