Just ahead of the busy planting and seeding season, another almost-as-important season began: hockey playoff season. Here at RealAgriculture, we know hockey plays a key role in the rural experience, in our communities, and our relationships, especially when it comes to friendly rivalries over our favourite teams. To honour the very important playoff season, RealAgriculture’s… Read More

In Western Canada in 2016 there were some highs and very low lows of dry weather, too much rain, high crop tonnage and then a crazy harvest full of adversity that is yet to wrap up. At the recent Bayer Agronomy summit, Shaun Haney wrangled up an agronomy geeks panel of some real keeners. Joining… Read More

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shared his directive for a national price on carbon on this week. Farmers and farm groups are concerned agriculture and food could be hard hit by a tax on carbon emissions… Ontario farmers are also concerned rising hydro rates will hurt competitiveness… What are the odds the Trans-Pacific Partnership goes ahead… Read More

A sad sign of how tough things have been in the cattle feeding business — one of Canada’s largest feeding operations is shutting down. Good news! A deal to keep Canadian canola flowing into China has apparently been reached, while canola growers are voicing concerns about the Bayer-Monsanto deal. And farmers and rural residents in… Read More

Between Bayer-Monsanto and PotashCorp-Agrium there’s plenty of big news to discuss this week as we see the trend of consolidation among crop input suppliers continue. Meanwhile, RealAg is well-represented at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show in Woodstock, Ontario, as Lyndsey takes a break from demoing tractors, getting sky-high views in a telehandler and posting Instagram stories to… Read More