How many crop heat units (CHU) does corn need to emerge? That’s a question many growers are asking as their corn seed shivers through the cold spring 2020 growing conditions. On this episode of RealAgriculture’s Corn School, we put that question to Dale Cowan, AGRIS Co-operative agronomist. He says that corn seed typically requires 165… Read More

When it comes to emergence of the wheat crop, producers often have many hopes of what that should look like — without necessarily knowing how to manage those expectations. Often, stand emergence is judged on seedling vigour. However, as Jeremy Boychyn, agronomy research extension specialist with the Alberta Wheat and Barley Commissions explains in this… Read More

The federal government is providing $100 million to Farm Credit Canada (FCC) to administer an Agriculture and Food Business Solutions Fund. The fund is targeted at “proven, viable companies through unexpected business disruptions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic,” and will support enterprises in the agribusiness and agri-food sector, including companies involved in primary production, agri-tech,… Read More

Thanks for tuning in to our mid-week edition of RealAg Radio! We’ve got a great line-up for you on today’s show. You’ll hear: The top ag news stories of the day with host Shaun Haney; Dr. Jason Lusk of Purdue University, with a part of his conversation with host Shaun Haney on yesterday’s RealAg LIVE!… Read More

In unpacking the United States Department of Agriculture’s perspective on the upcoming marketing year for U.S. stocks, it looks like nothing more than a goal post at the point in the marketing year with demand just as ambiguous. The USDA’s latest WASDE report pegs new crop corn ending stocks at 3.318 billion which was below… Read More