Mid-November seems a little late to be spraying in southern Ontario, but the warm temperatures have made for some great opportunities and fall weed control simply works, says Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson in this latest episode of Wheat Pete’s Word. Fall weed control is especially worth it on perennial sow thistle, Canada thistle and on… Read More

There isn’t any one thing that creates a healthy soil. Instead, building soil health and resiliency takes a combination of plant growth, nutrient additions, and careful management. Turns out, it’s not just building organic matter that adds to this dynamic —  growing high yielding crops is also key part of nutrient cycling and productive soil…. Read More

It’s nearly Thanksgiving, and plenty of farmers have lots to be thankful for, including excellent soybean yields and lovely fall weather for wheat planting. Peter Johnson, host of Wheat Pete’s Word, is thankful for you, dear listener, for sending in photos, questions, plot results and more, and on this week’s podcast hear some of what’s… Read More