There comes a time when the questions, comments, and follow ups become so numerous, you’ve simply got to dive in and start handing out answers. For this week’s Wheat Pete’s Word, host Peter Johnson is taking the “Farmer Rapid Fire” approach and answering as many listener questions as possible in 16 short minutes. In this… Read More
Category: Wheat Petes Word
Hot, dry weather isn’t letting up for many areas of Ontario, and the impact of heat is showing up in wheat yields. In this week’s Wheat Pete’s Word, host Peter Johnson has got some timely reminders for farmers as we head into the middle of summer. From leafhoppers in alfalfa, to peak flight of western… Read More
Wheat yield results are starting to trickle in from across Ontario, and the verdict is… pretty good! In this mid-July edition of Wheat Pete’s Word, host Pete Johnson covers off what seems to have contributed to yield and what didn’t seem to hold the wheat crop back. Plus, there are some insect pressures to watch… Read More
As mid-July hits, much of Ontario got a million dollar rain, but it also came with incredible wind and wild weather for some places. Western Canada also experienced some volatile weather and parts of Alberta that are typically dry are actually saturated (and not in a good way). This week’s Wheat Pete’s Word focuses on… Read More
If you remember farming in 1988, this year may seem a little similar, at least for Ontario. That year, the drought broke in mid-July with a torrential downpour — are we in for something like that soon? Well, we won’t know for sure for a few days yet, but this week’s Wheat Pete’s Word does… Read More
For this special Canada Day edition of Wheat Pete’s Word, host Peter Johnson has got answers to your timely agronomic questions. The good news is there are no alerts this week, but that doesn’t mean you can let the throttle off scouting — there are insect pests creeping in and populations can grow very quickly!… Read More
The longest day of the year has come and gone and we are heading into the thick of summer crop-growing weather. With the heat (and in some cases downpours!) come the agronomy questions and Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson is ready to answer whatever it is you can throw at him. In this week’s Wheat Pete’s… Read More
Some years are disease years and some are insect years. 2020 is shaping up to be an insect year, which is perhaps not surprising given the dry bias to the weather. In this mid-June edition of Wheat Pete’s Word, host Peter Johnson answers so many of your agronomic questions, including what to do about armyworm… Read More
Mother Nature is perhaps not always that motherly, but every now and again she does throw us a bone. This last week in Ontario was pretty good on the average, with some timely rains in some areas and some first-cut haylage wrapping up. But the timely rain has also brought along some storms, and heat,… Read More
Weed control questions, millipede feeding, and a crusting quandary — it must be early June! This week’s Wheat Pete’s Word is a little longer than usual because there is just so much going on and so many great questions rolling in. Host Peter Johnson has got the answers this week to everything from tufted vetch… Read More