In the last eight years plus, Canadians have been asked to consult on several different proposed policy changes by the federal government. Some of these consultations move a policy forward. Others, like the Grain Act review process or the Sustainable Ag Strategy, results in a “What we heard” document and not much more. Then, there’s… Read More
Category: Poll
If current crop prices, input prices, equipment values, and interest rates have you reconsidering a major purchase, you’re not alone. Thinning crop margins and an increasingly more challenging farm financial outlook for the year are showing up in some equipment sales trends and forecasts. Large equipment purchases are rarely snap decisions, however, and many farms need… Read More
Effective April 1, 2024, Alberta changed the requirements to train for and receive a Class 1 (AZ-equivalent) license. Since introducing Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) as a pre-licensing requirement for Class 1 commercial drivers in Alberta on March 1, 2019, the program has been identified by the trucking industry as one of the leading factors… Read More
Have you ever attended a protest? Would you? If you’ve ever had a chance to tour downtown Ottawa, you’ll know that peaceful protests on Parliament Hill are a daily expectation. At any one time, there could be two or three or more groups on the Hill holding signs and trying to bring awareness to a… Read More
Before the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement, a.k.a New NAFTA, CUSMA, or USMCA, comes up for review in July of 2026, Canada, Mexico, and the United States will all have gone through a federal election. Two of the three countries could have the same leader in place as today; however, that’s unlikely. It is also possible that… Read More
Canada added 40,000 jobs last month, but the unemployment rate actually climbed to 5.8%, since we’re still adding more people than jobs to the economy. For those in the agriculture sector, we know all too well just how tight the labour market has been and will be going forward. On the national scope, the Canadian… Read More
There are at least two options for increasing efficiency on the farm: use wider, larger equipment or use smaller technology that gets the job done faster. In the race between larger equipment and automation, which class do you think is winning? (Hint: it’s bigger engines and wider equipment). This week was Commodity Classic in Houston,… Read More
Like many technological advances, drones have become more user-friendly, less expensive, and more useful over time. Drones – or UAVs – have several uses in agriculture, from scouting and checking cattle, to mapping, and more recently, seeding crops and even spraying. But drones are still a cost, require learning, and have limits in what they… Read More
Never mind what the overgrown rodent says on February 2nd — the most important opinion on when spring arrives is our own. While we may not be able to influence the outcome, farmers everywhere anxiously anticipate the kick-off to the growing season. Whether it’s waiting on warm soil for soybeans or fresh grass for cows,… Read More
Are you ready for it? It’s time for one of the most difficult choices you’re going to have to make this week — picking a winning team for the upcoming Super Bowl. That’s right, February 11, two NFL teams will meet for a giant spectacle of sportsing, possible Taylor Swift spotting, and cheering for the… Read More