Fusarium has become a massive concern for many wheat growers on the prairies.  Fortunately many plant breeders in both Canada and the US are truly focused on providing higher tolerances in new varieties.  Many potential agronomic issues can be solved thru plant breeding but the challenge is that it takes time.  Plant breeding is not… Read More

Monsanto has been named the company of the year by Forbes magazine for the January 2010 issue.  Monsanto is recognized for outstanding innovation in its field and as a result healthy performance on wall street. For me Monsanto is one of those hot button topics that sends off flares and fireworks for all sides of… Read More

With public research in breeding getting cut back significantly across North America, some added funding  is always welcomed.  On Wednesday, the Alberta Livestock Meat Agency (ALMA) announced that they are going to invest eight million dollars into feed grains research.  This money will fund projects in the area of varietal development and developing use technologies…. Read More

I attended the Canadian Seed Trade Meeting this week in Montreal. Every year the Canadian seed trade gets together to discuss the issues affecting the industry and meet within the industry to discuss business deals.  The seed industry has many issues affecting it currently. Between flax exports, potential introduction of transgenic wheat, pollen flow and… Read More

This is part two of my interview with the President and CEO of the Alberta Livestock Meat Agency (ALMA), Gordon Cove.  In this interview I asked questions provided to me by producers.  I gathered questions from Twitter and Agriville and asked them in no particular order to Mr. Cove.  I would suggest that many people at the… Read More

There was a time when agriculture and food were sacred topics to the public. People were either on the farm or one generation removed which instilled a connection to the source of the food that we eat. In the past five years that has definitely changed as many food activists have begun attacking the large… Read More

As I have noted before on this site, this summer has been very interesting in terms of the changing landscape in wheat research and breeding. Monsanto, Bayer, and Syngenta are all engaged in the wheat breeding game. I have received, many emails from readers, asking the same question. “What will this mean for my farm… Read More