Soybean growers will get their first opportunity to grow Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans in 2017. They’ll also get to see how Engenia, BASF’s new dicamba formulation, performs with the new seed technology. In this episode of Real Agriculture’s Soybean School, we travel to BASF’s research farm at Maryhill, Ont., to check out Engenia Roundup… Read More
Category: Soybean School
Wide row soybeans are making a comeback in Ontario. One of the benefits of the system is the ability to potentially reduce seed cost. But soybean varieties are not created equal, especially when it comes to delivering top yields and profitability in 30-inch rows. In this episode of Real Agriculture Soybean School, Pride Seeds market… Read More
How much yield can you expect from double-cropped soybeans? In 2016, harvested yields from across Ontario have ranged from 25 to 45 bushels per acre. In the final episode of our Soybean School series on double cropping, Real Agriculture agronomist Peter Johnson and Syngenta agronomist Eric Richter return to Embro, Ontario, farmer Ian Matheson’s field… Read More
2016 was a good year to grow soybean varieties with strong genetic resistance to sudden death syndrome (SDS). Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs plant pathologist Albert Tenuta explains that this season’s cool, wet early growing conditions, which then gave way to drought in many regions of Ontario, helped the disease pack a… Read More
The amazing rise of soybean acres across Manitoba and into Saskatchewan is possible only because of the development of early, early soybean lines. Just how early? While zeros and double zero maturity ratings are great for “short” season areas in Ontario and Quebec, it’s the triple zero lines that shine in places like Arborg, Manitoba,… Read More
Georgia cash cropper Randy Dowdy has been farming for less than ten years. In that time he has broken the world record for corn yield, and now he’s laid claim to the soybean yield record. Earlier this month Dowdy’s record 171.8 bushel/acre soybean yield was celebrated at a press conference hosted by the University of… Read More
Drought conditions in Ontario could slow harvest in some soybean fields this fall where plants suffer from Green Stem Syndrome. In this edition of Real Agriculture Soybean School, Pride Seeds market agronomist Dan Foster explains Green Stem Syndrome happens when there is partial or complete leaf drop but the soybean plant stem remains green. “The… Read More
That’s a question many growers ask when they see parts of their soybean fields prematurely turning yellow in August and early September. In this episode of Real Agriculture Soybean School, OMAFRA’s Albert Tenuta and University of Guelph researcher Dave Hooker team up to answer the question and provide management tips. When his phone rings, Tenuta… Read More
It’ll be a few weeks before we actually know how this year’s soybeans are going to yield, but we can get a pretty good idea now, especially if we’re willing to put some time into building a good sample size for making an estimate. Dieter Schwarz, the new market development manager for corn and soybeans… Read More
Many Ontario growers are witnessing the punishing affect that hot, dry conditions are having on corn crops, but soybeans are better able to weather the stress. In this episode of Real Agriculture Soybean School, Ridgetown College, University of Guelph field crop agronomist Dave Hooker takes a look at the components of soybean yield and explains why… Read More