For many years people thought of farmers as being less intelligent than the general population. How many times did we see the picture of the farmer with the straw hat and dirty overalls, such poor fashion sense that he couldn’t be as intelligent as the more sophisticated urban folk. Today’s farmer is proving everyone wrong… Read More

Having trouble deciding whether or not to spray for soybean aphids? Well, you’re in luck: there’s an app for that! In this episode of Soybean School, Tracey Baute, emtomologist with Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, introduces The Aphid Advisor App, which uses pest and beneficial insect data collected by the user, in addition… Read More

We use our phones for so much more than talking and texting — from tracking markets and weather, to finding and sharing information, to just killing time with some entertainment. There are a seemingly infinite number of apps out there, and more are developed each week. How do you decide which are worth it? This… Read More