By Bernard Tobin Satellites and smart phones are poised to deliver a new level of biosecurity that could keep farmers one step ahead of disease. As Canadian pork producers struggle to contain the spread of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv) on their farms, a new company, Be Seen Be Safe, is rolling out a satellite-based… Read More

Dow AgroSciences and John Deere have announced the companies will collaborate to “develop approaches and technology that will deliver data and provide information to farmers that will assist in the execution of site-specific applications to improve yields and manage costs.” Specifically, Dow AgroSciences has signed on to leverage the MyJohnDeere platform and new cloud-based technologies… Read More

The ability to measure, track and vary inputs and other agronomic data far exceeds most people’s comfort level with data analysis. And if you’re all, whoa, what the heck is she talking about? You’ve made my point. Any new(ish) equipment comes with the fantastic built-in capability to track what its doing, and as farmers add… Read More

For many years people thought of farmers as being less intelligent than the general population. How many times did we see the picture of the farmer with the straw hat and dirty overalls, such poor fashion sense that he couldn’t be as intelligent as the more sophisticated urban folk. Today’s farmer is proving everyone wrong… Read More