What’s your technology mix? Phone and a laptop, phone, tablet and a laptop, or desktop, phone and a tablet? Or something else entirely? It’s an expensive trial, this getting the right mix of useful gadgets, so certified AgNerds Shaun Haney and Peter Gredig decided to tackle the question. Inspired by Shaun’s adoption of the lamely-named… Read More
Category: Mobile
Agri-Trend’s latest business offering is the Agri-Data Solution, a web-based application that stores all the farm data you may need. Once inputted, the Agri-Data interface can be accessed by several members of the farm team from any computer, tablet or smartphone by a user name and password. Shaun Haney caught up with Kevin Pattison of… Read More
Keeping track of what has been done on which field, at what rate and when tends to get rather complicated when field numbers start to rise or you end up with several helpers at seeding or spraying. Add rented bin yards, contracts with several companies and the tendency to lose the piece of paper you… Read More
The release of the iPhone 5 came, as usual, with a lot of fanfare and then a wake of criticism following behind it. The biggest criticism legitimately targeted Apple’s new mapping system which has been buggy from the word go. The backlash even coaxed a very rare apology out of Apple CEO Tim Cook. The… Read More
Whether you are a fan of QR Codes or not, you have to admit that this is very cool. Kraay Family Farm has officially been informed by the Guinness Book of World Records that they have created the world’s largest QR Code. Based in Lacombe, Alberta, Kraay Family Farm created the QR code to cover a record 309,570 square… Read More
If you work on a ranch or feedyard, you know that you are constantly on the move. Whether its checking pens or pulling calves, the days can be long and hectic. Having said that, you need to still stay on top of the cattle markets and ensure you are making the right marketing decisions… Read More
This past week Apple won a patent case against Samsung and was awarded one billion dollars for its troubles. This battle is not over and there will be months and maybe years of appeals, countersuits and more intellectual property lawyers getting filthy rich. In this episode of the AgNerds, Shaun Haney and Peter Gredig discuss… Read More
In a diversified operation, things can get very busy. Balancing harvest with the regular duties that accompany any other business that’s an ongoing concern is tough. It’s during those particularly busy seasons that jobs requiring regular follow up tend to be pushed back or forgotten entirely. Bin monitoring is one of those duties that starts… Read More
Processors are becoming smaller and faster all the time. Its those attributes that have given rise to the flurry of powerful mobile devices we see today. Todays phone or tablet is faster than most desktops or laptops that existed even 5 years ago and just as powerful or as useful as a great deal that… Read More
Winter is almost over, and with that, so goes the season full of trade-shows, meetings and seminars. As busy as it is for all those involved, it serves it’s purpose well. Farmers and ag-industry folks alike gather together to talk and share ideas and issues that are important to them. The feedback that comes from… Read More