In a diversified operation, things can get very busy. Balancing harvest with the regular duties that accompany any other business that’s an ongoing concern is tough. It’s during those particularly busy seasons that jobs requiring regular follow up tend to be pushed back or forgotten entirely. Bin monitoring is one of those duties that starts… Read More
Category: Technology
When someone mentions precision agriculture, what do you think of? Do you think of autosteer, GPS, variable rate technology or prescription mapping? The truth is that all of those things and more are involved in what we currently term “precision agriculture.” In fact, much of the technology that we associate with precision agriculture is so… Read More
Mobile technology has changed the way people do business. As long as you have a signal, you have access to all information from anywhere you can carry your phone or your tablet. Mobile Apps have further simplified that information gathering process. For farmers looking for pricing information, that’s a breath of fresh air. SEE MORE FARM… Read More
The RealAgriculture Roundtable reconvened last week during Canada’s Farm Progress Show in Regina, Saskatchewan. This time around, Shaun and Lyndsey were joined by Morris Industries Chief Operating Officer Don Henry. We’ve talked with Don before on and he is extremely knowledgable when it comes to farm equipment and cropping in general. With that in… Read More
It’s always a good thing when you see social media being used in a helpful and constructive way. It’s not that a picture of a bacon sundae isn’t important to share with the world, it’s just that there may be a slightly more beneficial way to utilize the camera on your mobile phone. Take for… Read More
Twitter really is an amazing tool. The ability to share information and have conversations with people around the world is one of my favourite parts. But, like everything, there is always a down side. It is a downside across all social media networks that people can say things that aren’t true and can easily mix… Read More
Processors are becoming smaller and faster all the time. Its those attributes that have given rise to the flurry of powerful mobile devices we see today. Todays phone or tablet is faster than most desktops or laptops that existed even 5 years ago and just as powerful or as useful as a great deal that… Read More
Winter is almost over, and with that, so goes the season full of trade-shows, meetings and seminars. As busy as it is for all those involved, it serves it’s purpose well. Farmers and ag-industry folks alike gather together to talk and share ideas and issues that are important to them. The feedback that comes from… Read More
Choosing financial software for your business is a custom fit kind of operation. There are a number of things to consider when you make that choice that are uniquely tied to your business, allowing you to expand and grow without having to switch programs. Ideally, your software should be as customizable as your business. With… Read More
Farmers are starting to grasp the potential of social media. A growing interest has been shown by both the older and younger generation of farmer on how to use tools like twitter to their advantage and not just for their entertainment. Twitter in particular has gained ground in the agriculture industry for promotional use, social… Read More