Through the January farm show season I continued to run into people that said to me that they were getting a Blackberry Playbook or had just bought one. Whether its the $200 price point or the the increased interest in tablets, it seems to me that the Blackberry Playbook finally has some appeal.  It would… Read More

Every once in a while there’s something you see at a trade show that stops you in your tracks. In today’s world, that’s quite a feat considering the sheer volume of bells and whistles aimed at you to get your attention. This year, Syngenta had on display their “virtual agronomist” patterned after Robert Klewchuk, Syngenta’s… Read More

The Aphid Advisor app is a decision-making tool to help determine whether a control action is warranted for Soybean Aphids (Aphis glycines) on soybeans in the province of Ontario, Canada. This app uses aphid and natural enemy numbers, as well as expected population growth rates, to indicate whether there are enough natural enemies to keep… Read More

Some would argue that the tablet has cut into the laptop market. While that may be true, that portion of the market the tablet now has is exactly what those users wanted to start with, only it was never available to them before. The introduction of the tablet just brought that to light. The tablet… Read More

The 2011 Farm Forum Event was all about the integration of man and machine for the benefit of agriculture. The tablet device fits right into that category. More and more agri-businesses and producers are making a tablet standard issue in their business or on their farm. Their portability and processing power make them easier to… Read More

FarmTech 2012 promises to be a much bigger, much better event than in previous years. Not only has the venue changed to the much larger Edmonton Expo Centre, but the agenda has expanded as well. The show will offer 60 concurrent sessions spread out over three days covering everything from technology and environment to agronomy and… Read More

Inputs prices are high and so are crop prices. Managing costs and yields is critical to success on your farm.  With commodity prices high you cannot settle for average yields. The use of variable rate precision ag products and services helps farmers to do just that.  Placing the inputs in the intended prescribed areas has… Read More

Part of the focus of 2011 Farm Forum Event was on the utilization of technology in the agriculture industry to improve production and profitability. A big part of improving production and profitability is precision agriculture including the use of variable rate technology as a part of managing crop inputs. The ability to scan a field… Read More