The price of the Blackberry Playbook continues to drop with Rogers employees being able to acquire them for as little as $250 Canadian. Whether or not that discount will be seen by consumers is anyones guess, but with horrific sales of only 200,000 units last quarter, any move to get more playbooks into the hands… Read More

This time of year can be exhausting. Long hours in the cab are a regular part of harvest time everywhere and farmers find themselves looking for anything to keep their minds engaged through the monotony of the tractor cab. Radio is a great option, but you find yourself at some point sick of the repetitive… Read More

Do you have any idea what this funky white and black cube is above? You will probably see it in a lot of advertising this fall. What do you do with it? How do you scan it? Why would you scan it? It is an arguably under-utilized tool that has a lot of untapped potential…. Read More

Yesterday I was at a ag-retailer crop tour in Vulcan, Alberta with Dupont. While Dupont was discussing some of their new products like fungicides and seed treatments, I decided to talk to some of the ag-retail attendees and find out some more about them. In this weeks episode of Talking to Farmers (but in this… Read More

  By Ken Coles, In July I attended the Precision Ag Conference in Springfield, Illinois. I though in my first blog post I would cover my thoughts and observations at the conference. Day 1 Last week Brent Nicol and I attended the infoag, precision ag conference in Springfield, Illinois. ( Not being a seasoned… Read More

If you talk about controlled traffic farming in Alberta, you’ll only come up with a handful of names of farmers involved in the practice. Steve Laroque is one of those farmers. We talked to Steve a while back about his involvement in controlled traffic farming and why he thought it had the potential to fit… Read More

When you’re looking at controlling costs on the farm, the issue of overlapping with seed and fertilizer can be a big one. Especially in crops like canola, over seeding and over application of fertilizer can have a very negative impact on growth and development and end up being very costly for the farmer. Controlling that… Read More

Between the internet, the radio the t.v., the newspaper your phone or your neighbour, there are a host of options when it comes to getting your local weather forecast. When you’re farming however, you need a degree of accuracy on a local level that most times can only be provided by a drive to the… Read More