At the Elanco Beef Consultants Forum this month I had the chance to interview Dr. Daryl Tatum, a meat scientist from Colorado State University. We had a chance to chat about some of the issues with the gap between consumers and producers with meat quality and production. Dr.Tatum addressees the issue of the industry achieving efficiencies and… Read More
Category: Technology
There was a time when agriculture and food were sacred topics to the public. People were either on the farm or one generation removed which instilled a connection to the source of the food that we eat. In the past five years that has definitely changed as many food activists have begun attacking the large… Read More
The following article was originally written by Michele Payn Knoper on her blog Cause Matters. Michele is an accomplished professional speaker and writer. Harvest is rapidly approaching, a season filled with measurements of a farmer€™s success. Agriculture needs to look at yields in areas beyond the combines and choppers. One of those needing yield improvement… Read More
I firmly believe that the food system and farmers will always adjust to changes in eating patterns in the world. Dr. Bruce German of the University of California, Davis describes one of these changes. He believes that the notion that there is an ideal diet for everyone is nonsense. Dr. German feels that creating technologies on and off… Read More
Canadian, Australian and American wheat organizations have formed the Biotech Wheat Coalition “in support for more efficient, sustainable and profitable production of wheat around the world”. See the Joint Statment Here As has discussed before the need for biotech wheat is rising and the usual roadblocks are presenting themselves as discussed by the Canadian… Read More
Michele Payn Knoper has started a Twitter chat (tweetchat) for people in agriculture. The chat will take place every Tuesday 8-10PM Eastern and it will allow people in the industry to chat about issues and ideas in real time on Twitter. Have I mentioned to everyone that I love twitter. This is a great way… Read More
Every year we get ready for seeding and spraying which means we make sure the oil is changed in the equipment, the seed is cleaned and treated and the crop plan is finalized. But the one thing that most growers forget to do until they make the first pass with the sprayer is to check… Read More
In the short life of, by far the most interest has been in the fertilizer stories. Fertilizer prices are a very hot topic in newspapers, on the Internet and in the coffee shops across North America. Due to the volatility of the fertilizer market over the past 12 months, the spread in pricing from one… Read More