As the saying goes, if Henry Ford had listened to what his customers wanted, they would have said, “Faster horses.” For Nicole Zeni, that innovation philosophy means that while you do need to listen to your customers, you must be open to change, and challenged to thinking broadly and for the long term. Zeni manages… Read More
Category: Advancing Women In Agriculture Conference
A lot has changed for Debra Harrison in the past 39 years. Almost four decades ago she was the first female engineer ever hired by John Deere. Today she is president of John Deere Canada. Earlier this week, Harrison shared that journey with 450 people attending the Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference at Niagara Falls,… Read More
It’s okay to not have all the answers when it comes to how you want your farm or agriculture career to look in five, 10, or 20 years down the road. Steph Kowalski, agronomy lead for Sollio Agriculture, says she ended up in her leadership role somewhat accidentally, but not without significant commitment to getting… Read More
For eight years Kay Kuenker was the only woman on the executive team at Dow AgroSciences. That experience has taught her much about how women and men can work together in the agribusiness executive suite. Today, Kuenker works as consultant with her own company, K2Kinetics. At the recent Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference in Niagara Falls,… Read More
In agriculture, women are under represented in leadership roles. How do we change that? For Cargill, one of the world’s largest agribusinesses, change comes in the form of a commitment to achieve gender parity in management by 2030. The goal is to have women occupy 50 per cent of leadership roles in the organization at that… Read More
When it comes to communicating in the workplace — men and women don’t typically speak the same language. According to Sherry Waddingham, president of Mindshift, a Toronto-based workplace communications company, men tend to be more assertive, competitive, look to problem solve and are poor listeners. Women on the other hand, are less assertive, look to share… Read More
As the weeks pass by do you keep your head down without paying much attention to the environment around you? We are all busy in our hectic lives as we try to find time for work, family, and personal time. We become so task oriented as we try to complete seeding, finish that last email,… Read More
If you’ve never heard Jolene Brown, farm family advisor and total firecracker, speak, you’re missing out. Brown spoke recently at the Advancing Women in Agriculture conference in Calgary, and then found some time to sit down with our own Shaun Haney to talk about in-laws, tough decisions, work/life/farm balance, and what family really means. Brown… Read More
Earlier this month, the Advancing Women in Agriculture conference ran just ahead of the International Women’s Day, creating a great opportunity to celebrate the high value roles that women on the farm and within the agriculture industry. Shaun Haney was in attendance at another successful Advancing Women in Agriculture conference at Calgary, Alta., and, at the conclusion… Read More
Bridging the gap between the farm gate and the dinner plate is a goal agriculture industry members continue to chase and attempt to close. One of the challenges in establishing real communication is that our consumers are a diverse bunch and the there are many players in the value chain all relaying their own message with… Read More