Combine loss monitors are useful for understanding whether the amount of grain being thrown out the back of a combine is increasing or decreasing, but they’re not a great tool for quantifying those losses, according to research conducted by PAMI (Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute). The recent project focused on understanding the accuracy of combine loss… Read More

When bin sensors first came along it was a huge improvement over simply shoving a metal rod through the bin door in some ways. Because sensors are tethered though, you still end up with a linear — rather than a randomly distributed —set of measurements. This means you are not actually measuring a good portion… Read More

There are a lot of competing narratives around grain storage; some may even call them myths. For people who wanted to clear away some of the smoke and mirrors around grain storage, there was a special presentation of “Myth Busters” at the Ag in Motion event this year. It was hosted by Joy Agnew, project… Read More

Keenan Alltech is going in a different direction with mixer wagons, literally. The company is gong horizontal rather than vertical with its mixer. Field editor Dale Leftwich was at Ag in Motion last month and got a chance to talk to Keenan’s western Canadian sales manager, Brayden Van Driesten, about what can happen when you… Read More

What if you could just point your phone at a weed and the phone would tell you what you were looking at? At one time it was a huge breakthrough to be able to take a picture of a weed and send a text message to an agronomist. It still is in fact, but sometimes… Read More

Farmers are always thinking of ways to be more efficient: why make two or three passes through the field if you only need one? Degelman developed its Pro-Till to work land that had to be brought into shape, but farmers started asking if they could do more with this piece of equipment, explains Laird McLeod,… Read More

Grain carts have traditionally been built to unload on the left side to avoid having the cart auger contact unload augers on combines, which are also mounted on the left side. But there’s a benefit to right-side unloading that has led many farmers in Australia to switch sides and a Manitoba-based manufacturer to introduce right-side… Read More