What management practices and behaviours make farmers more financially successful? A report commissioned by the Agri-Food Management Institute and Farm Management Canada attempts to answer this question. “With the Dollars and Sense study we’re trying to determine what makes a leading farmer. How do they end up in the top 25% of farmers versus the… Read More
Category: Agexconf15
If you’ve been attending agricultural conferences in the past few years, you’ve likely heard the phrase “social license to operate.” It essentially boils down to the approval of a certain industry by local communities and public stakeholders. With new regulations affecting farms, maintaining social license has become a priority for modern agriculture. At the 2015 Agricultural… Read More
The little rectangular digital displays we carry in our pockets could become obsolete in the not-too-distant future. Instead, the images and information that we squint to see on our phones and other physical screens might be projected into whatever setting we’re in. “Cinematic” or “augmented” reality is the terminology used to describe what companies are creating by inserting virtual content into a… Read More
If you look back 35 years, there have been plenty of changes in Canadian agriculture and the environment in which farmers and agribusinesses operate. There are fewer farms now than in 1980, and they make up a smaller portion of eligible voters. While the societal contributions of farmers are no less important, governments tend to offer less support than… Read More
In the day-to-day operation of a farm it can be a challenge to set aside time to chat about what the next generation expects in taking over the business. “Hey Mom/Dad/Uncle… I want you to know this is important…” sort of discussions are important because they help establish expectations, which are needed to begin a successful generational transition. So… Read More
“The definition of mentorship is to empower. The meaning of empowerment is to enable, liberate, engage, free and permit. It is the drawing out of the very best in a person without the constraints of expectation or entitlement. Thus, to mentor is to guide the process so that an individual has the power to change… Read More
Society as a whole, including agriculture, is experiencing a trend toward the use of more autonomous machines that can communicate amongst themselves and optimize their own activity using “big data” analytics. That might sound like a whole lot of high-level tech lingo, but it raises serious questions for farmers on the ground: will there come a day when farmers no… Read More
Farm Management Canada is set to host the newly relaunched Agriculture Excellence Conference in Regina, Sask., this November 25-27, 2015. The theme of this year’s event is ‘Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Farmer,’ and that theme will be carried through a moderated debate on social license, a panel on the future of farming, roundtable sessions, engaging keynote… Read More