There’s nothing that fuels the old equipment buying itch more than a few good years of decent prices. Canada’s Farm Progress Show gave farmers in the market to buy a chance to scratch that itch. The newest in everything from trucks, tractors, seeders and other implements were scattered across the grounds. It was a great… Read More

Farmers are a supportive and generous group of people and they love to rally around a good cause. Whether its volunteering at a local community event or donating time, money or something they produce to any number of worthy causes it seems like you can’t keep farmers from helping out. Harvest for Kids is a… Read More

In a diversified operation, things can get very busy. Balancing harvest with the regular duties that accompany any other business that’s an ongoing concern is tough. It’s during those particularly busy seasons that jobs requiring regular follow up tend to be pushed back or forgotten entirely. Bin monitoring is one of those duties that starts… Read More

If it’s gigantic, shiny or in any way shape or form eye-catching, odds are you’ll see it at the farm show. That’s where we spotted the Pulldozer. Not just the Pulldozer, but the biggest version of the Pulldozer Bridgeview Manufacturing makes. For those of you not familiar with it, it’s a pull-behind implement designed for… Read More

For producers living in areas with a less-than-stable climate, trying to get in to the field to spray can often mean going out before the sun comes up or after the sun goes down. With current GPS technology, spraying in the dark is one option producers can now utilize more effectively than in the past…. Read More

When someone mentions precision agriculture, what do you think of? Do you think of autosteer, GPS, variable rate technology or prescription mapping? The truth is that all of those things and more are involved in what we currently term “precision agriculture.” In fact, much of the technology that we associate with precision agriculture is so… Read More

There were a number of new product launches at Canada’s Farm Progress Show this year. Among those was a brand new offering from CAT that had farmers interest from the minute it was unveiled. The CAT CT660 is CAT’s first step into the class A truck market. It’s an extremely rugged and extremely well thought… Read More