Following the June announcement of a proposed merger, the boards of Canadian International Grains Institute (CIGI) and Cereals Canada are moving closer to a vote on full amalgamation of the two entities. Dean Dias, interim CEO of CIGI, says that both organizations have been in conversation over what a merger would look like, what governance… Read More

Canadian farmers and exporters have been frustrated by a year-long major trade disruption with one of Canada’s largest canola markets — China. It is a continuously evolving situation, says Jim Everson, president of the Canola Council of Canada (CCC). “There is still a blockage in terms of seed shipments from the two largest exporters — Viterra and… Read More

During the annual CropSphere conference held at Saskatoon, Sask., Prairie barley commissions announced the formation of the Canadian Barley Research Coalition (CBRC). The national not-for-profit organization will facilitate long-term investments aimed at improving profitability and competitiveness for Western Canadian barley farmers, according to a news release. The CBRC is made up of the Saskatchewan Barley… Read More

Things are looking up for the barley market. That’s the message from the SaskBarley annual general meeting held recently during CropSphere at Saskatoon, Sask. “I think the industry has never been stronger. We’re seeing huge exports on the feed side going into China, we’re strengthening in the malt side, both domestically and globally, and we’ve… Read More

Although the wheat market is often considered a stagnant one, it is in fact growing, says Marlene Boersch, owner of Mercantile Consulting Ventures. The market only seems stagnant because supplies have been growing as fast as demand.  This may be changing, however, as Russia’s — one of  the world’s largest wheat exporters — upward trend in production may… Read More

Katie Dilse has infectious enthusiasm that can easily get a room full of people engaged. She’s a farmer, a truck driver, and lives in the least populated county in the United States, so you might not think public speaking would also be added to her long list of duties. But once a person listens, and can… Read More