For many farmers conservations agriculture is like old hat.  Many of us would never consider going back to recreational tillage.  In many areas of the world conservation agriculture is in it’s infancy.  In fact many Canadian farmers are just beginning to scratch the surface of no-till and other conservation methods.  With increased focus on environmental… Read More

The amount of canola acres in Western Canada has steadily rose over the past decade.  Apart of the growth of a crop not only depends on the primary use of the crop but also the by products.  Catherine Folkersen is with SaskCanola and she believes that there is a much larger potential for canola meal…. Read More

With the increased focus spraying fungicides and foliar application, nozzle technology is gaining increased attention. Whether its low pressure, high pressure, big droplet, small droplet, fan or cone, nozzle selection incredibly important to getting effective coverage and impact. At CropWeek 2011 in Saskatoon, Gary Moffat talked to me about nozzle technology and what kind of… Read More

When I go to Farm shows and do booth interviews, one of my content decisions is looking at the booths that are gaining attention.  At CropWeek 2011 in Saskatoon one of the booths that was really busy was the Salford booth.  Many of our Eastern Canadian viewers will be very familiar with Salford while they… Read More

Much of the attention is being paid to corn, soybean and lentil pricing this winter. The forgotten sister has been wheat. In many cases wheat is not as sexy or doesn’t get people as crazy with market anticipation. The fact is that wheat is still an incredibly important component of Western Canadian rotations. Not just… Read More

CropWeek in Saskatoon is always a very informative week long trip. There were some definite themes and highlights that everyone could pull from the event. With the farm show and all the grower meetings happening in one city in one week, there is plenty to discuss and talk about.  Whether its the good the bad… Read More

Its not only a struggle to decide what to grow but also how to price the crop in this volatile pricing market.  With special crops price discovery is an even bigger challenge fro many producers.  With the poor growing conditions last year, lentil growers that got the crop off in a timely fashion and got… Read More

When farmers choose varieties one of the most common used criteria is stand ability. Sometimes crops lodge no matte what variety you choose due to late moisture, wind or above average weight of the crop. One of the tools that farmers are including on their combine headers is Flexxifinger crop lifters. At CropWeek 2011 in… Read More