Manitoba farmers whose soil test results say they have soybean cyst nematode in their soil may want to get a second opinion, says a soil ecologist from the University of Manitoba. While the number of soybean acres has exploded on the eastern side of the Prairies over the last few years, Western Canadian growers have… Read More
Category: Mac14
In May of 2013 the United States Department of Agriculture notified the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) of an outbreak of porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) in a small number of swine herds in the States. By January 2014, the virus had crossed the border, with the first case of PED confirmed on a farm in… Read More
Increasing nitrogen rates can actually prove detrimental if producers don’t also take the time to apply fungicides, says Peter Johnson, cereals specialist with Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. That’s because the resulting improvements in canopy can actually increase the potential for disease development. Enter the nitrogen/fungicide duo. “That synergy is so significant,” says Johnson, referring to… Read More